President's Cup

Started by Keith Davison, Jun 05, 2022, 03:40 PM

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Keith Davison

Since I note the Presidents Cup has been cancelled this year and I know areas have had difficulties raising teams Would it be time ( With Adrian Thomas' permission ) to alter the format of this competition into a form of Perry B competition for players who regularly enter area events but whilst playing at a reasonable level do not have the ability to be considered for the Perry ( obviously open to both ladies and gents )?


Good idea - a 300 Greens ceiling would achieve that.

Tony Haworth

Agree with both Keith and Gwynn, but to maintain a reasonable standard, I would also suggest a minimum GP of say 100GP (i.e. eligibility is 100-300 GP)


Alan Screen

I agree..............I don't know why the initial restriction was so low........the intention of the cup was to be for Club level players......I also suggest the name be changed to "Thomas Cup" - I know there is a Thomas Cup in World sports but there are loads of President's Cups in the Bridge world.

Alan Screen

I've just read Tony's post ....... no minimum

Gilly Clench

As I have stated that I will raise teams for next year's President's cup, I would like the chance to do just that.  I don't think there should be any criteria stated, as the aim is to introduce club players, who do not normally enter competitions, to a friendly event.  There is little direct contact in this Union, which I think a huge failing - and phone calls and direct emails can work wonders, as I have found in organising various events for women.  If I were to alter the competition at all, it would be to expand the number of teams and to encourage as many club teams as possible to turn up for the weekend.

Keith Davison

I suggest we go with Gilly's suggestion for the next year then review the competition